Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy

Professor stands in front of classroom

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Accepting Graduate Students for Spring 2025

Applications are currently open for the Health Outcomes Research and Policy option within the Harrison College of Pharmacy's Graduate Program. Enrollment would begin in the Spring 2025 semester. The deadline for applications Sept. 1, 2024.

HCOP graduate program admissions requirements and procedures can be found on the graduate admissions website.

Applicants are encouraged to apply if they are interested in the areas of research of the collowing faculty members:

Research and teaching in the Department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy seeks to improve medication-related outcomes, considering the perspective of patients, providers, and policymakers. This includes social and behavioral aspects of pharmacy, research to maximize medication-related outcomes, and comparative effectiveness and safety research. The overall goal of the department is to improve medication effectiveness through practice and population-based research.

Social and Behavioral Aspects

Social and behavioral work conducted in the department focuses on understanding how factors such as costs, patient behavior, provider behavior, and health system organization influence medication use. Much of this research assesses how these factors interact to affect medication adherence. Faculty in the department have studied medication adherence from various perspectives. Their work focuses largely on the interaction of patients and providers. They teach the evidence-based communication skills set, motivational interviewing, to student pharmacists in preparation for patient conversations about medication adherence and health behavior changes needed in comprehensive disease management. The training offers instruction on interviewing techniques that help patients with exhibited resistance and/or ambivalence to making health changes. Through this method, providers are able to uncover the internal motivation behind such resistance and are therefore better equipped to assist in the successful treatment of patients. Other faculty approach patient behavior from a behavioral economics perspective, specifically applied to obesity prevention and medication adherence. This stream of work looks at how patients value immediate versus future benefits and costs of treatments or behaviors, with the intent of developing more effective strategies to optimize patient behavior and health outcomes.

Research to Maximize Outcomes

The department seeks to maximize medication-related outcomes while improving efficiency in healthcare delivery, including work with informatics and practice-based interventions. Faculty are involved with the development, implementation, and assessment of medication-related technologies. The work focuses on both pharmacy-based technology, as well as tools that may be used to improve patient medication use. The department also assists pharmacists in the efficient and effective management of their practice, and provides new mechanisms for communicating with patients and other healthcare professionals. Faculty also approach practice-based research from the organizational perspective, focusing on implementation and adoption of new programs, including studies on pharmacy-based immunization programs.

Comparative Effectiveness and Safety Research

Comparative effectiveness research evaluates the benefits and harms of treatments and interventions in real-world settings. Faculty research and graduate student training focus on methods in pharmacoepidemiology used to analyze large populations represented in observational data sources such as administrative claims and electronic medical record data, and methods of evidence-based medicine used to synthesize results of existing research. This research seeks to understand factors driving existing treatment patterns and elucidate comparative differences in the effectiveness and safety of existing treatments and other healthcare interventions. Ultimately, this work is important to clinical decision-making and healthcare policy.

Vision & Mission


We aim to advance health behavior, health services delivery, and health outcomes through research and teaching related to patients, providers, organizations, and policy.


The department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy includes faculty and graduate students who are nationally recognized for their expertise and innovation in healthcare and medication use.

Our cutting edge research, innovative teaching, and service advance the profession of pharmacy, enhance patient health, and develop the next generation of scholars. Our efforts are interdisciplinary and collaborative to maximize the efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and safety of healthcare. The department’s culture embraces standards of excellence and provides a supportive environment that contributes to the success of our faculty and graduate student colleagues.

Last Updated: July 24, 2024